Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Ender Dragon is a Female?!

Let me tell you a little something; I am a sucker for Mr. AviatorGaming. He is one of the funniest guys I have watched and he has always kept me a fan with his Sim videos and his Minecraft Millionaire show. 

Now on Minecraft Millionaire, Bashurverse (Or Bashur) was the next contestant to go home without cash. It's sad since Bash deserves something but the rules are the rules. 

The question Bashur got wrong was one that even experts would get stumped at; What Gender is the Ender Dragon? I love to guess along with the videos but I was tempted to say D (which was "I Admit Defeat"). It turns out the Ender Dragon is a girl! It turns out a version of minecraft let's you have a Ender dragon pet that, in the description, talks about the big Ender dragon as an "older sister".
Huh, you learn something new everyday, right?

-Eliza, Minecraft Blogger


Aviator Himself: http://m.youtube.com/user/AviatorGaming

Bashur: http://m.youtube.com/user/Bashurverse

1 comment:

  1. me kawaii kitten and my friend LordCryptidMaster are having a battle of the gender of the enderdragon and this helpt a lot also every single thing says its a she so i guess i win also thxs for making this
